Greetings from Italy

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Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

Hello to everyone,
I'm here to thank you all for the very best moment at DF2011 (like every DF).
I remember a fight against 3 orks this year an it was very good.
You are great.

So I would like to ask you some information to join to the Ork Camp, maybe next year, because a group of italian people would like to play the orks in your camp.

Somebody told me that the Ork Camp has a closed number and we have to send some pictures about the group and the costumes of every character, that's true?

Greetings from Italy


Hallo an alle,
Ich bin hier, um Ihnen allen für die besten Moment danke an DF2011 (wie jedes DF).
Ich erinnere mich an einen Kampf gegen 3 Orks in diesem Jahr ein sehr gut war.
Sie sind großartig.

So möchte ich Sie bitten, einige Informationen zu dem Ork Camp, vielleicht im nächsten Jahr beitreten, weil eine Gruppe von italienischen Volkes möchte die Orks in Ihrem Lager zu spielen.

Jemand hat mir gesagt, dass der Ork Camp eine geschlossene Zahl hat und wir haben ein paar Bilder über die Gruppe und die Kostüme der jedes Zeichen, das stimmt zu schicken?

Grüße aus Italien


PS: Sorry for my german!!!
Zuletzt geändert von Rya am 19 Aug 2011 18:06, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 2992
Registriert: 28 Feb 2008 20:49
Gruppe: Ang-Gijak
Verbund/Verbünde: UB / OHL
Wohnort: TodesTurm

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von kerstin »

off-topic gelöscht.
Bild Krieg! ...keinen Frieden!
sponsored by OHL
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Registriert: 07 Feb 2008 17:18

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Arash »

Bitte doch. Endlich Völkerverständigung. Das Gebabbel über Italiener nervt mich eh. Ich freue mich drüber.


yes it is true. To join the OHL (Ork Camp) you have to send some pictures of your character. In this year the number of members for the OHL was 222. To join the OHL it is important, that your Character has a nice appearance. I´m sure you have seen the Orks of this year and you know that everyone of our Camp looks like a realistic ork. So if you have a costume you can send pictures here, and we will help you with tips.
Schleifer von Baraz-Gur!

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

Nice welcome!

We are working on our clothes and stuff...we have no problem to send you some pictures when all will be ready.

Now...I hope to not disturb you but I would like to know if someone of your camp have problem with Italians.

Personally DF2011 was my 4th Dracenfest and since the first time I came some people told me tha Italians are not so welcome. I understand why only last year because I knew that some years ago a group of italian people did very bad roleplaing and very bad fighting...and some of the story was about a bad fight against ork...maybe some of you can remember something...I don't know.

For me and my friends was very hard to show that some italians can be good roleplayer and do good fight.

We don't want to show that we are better than the others...we want only have a good time and good play and good fight.

I remember last year when an ork of the skullrot clan kidnap me for the ritual of the souleater and we play a lot from the gate to the totem and best was when I died and he said to me "good play".

This is our philosophy and I hope it will be good for your camp.

I will send you soon the pictures!!!

Thank you so much...and please...if you had bad experiences with italians people...please tell me.

Beiträge: 7373
Registriert: 04 Feb 2008 20:46
Gruppe: AngGijak
Verbund/Verbünde: Ushtarak Burzum
Wohnort: Ffm

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Shartok »

@rya :
hi there.
to introduce myself : i´m the head-organizer-guy of this pretty you´ll definitely want to talk with me ;D
you heard right, there is a restricted number of possible participants (roundabout 250) and there are given admission standards, written down in a orkheerlager-guideline.
admission standards cover costume- and "ideological"-requirements. costumes are checked before granting subscription as ohl-playercharakter
and we reserve the right to permit participation if we consider game/charakter/larpconcepts as doubtful.
unlike other DF-camps the orc camp hast to be considered as a "community camp" with some written but even more unwritten rules and you´ll surely find out that italian larpers
are not precisely the most-loved fellow players for the orcs. (we can have a talk about that, but i think you should know before you wonder why some people react somewhat unfriendly ;D)

but : if you meet ohl-standards there is no problem in participating in the ohl, although i´ll keep an eye on "newbies". the ohl is possibly facing a mass of "fanboy joiners" - and we wont allow people to join
if they don´t really want to play orcs but "hang around with the cool guys".  to "keep the spirit" we´ll cut down possible newbiesubscriptions for people not beeing affiliated with an existing ohl-group to >20 people.

but : hey - if you really wanna play orcs, you´ll be given all the help an advice to do so - and don´t mind the grumpy guys :).
Zuletzt geändert von Shartok am 19 Aug 2011 19:15, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Glaubt nix - Fragt nach.

Beiträge: 7373
Registriert: 04 Feb 2008 20:46
Gruppe: AngGijak
Verbund/Verbünde: Ushtarak Burzum
Wohnort: Ffm

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Shartok »

We are working on our clothes and stuff...we have no problem to send you some pictures when all will be ready.

great mistake :). show stuff any stage of work in everything. we have a strong community here, providing exellent help in
developing good looking costumes. presenting a finished costume prevents receiving help an advice when needed and may result in an evitable refusion of your ohl-subscription.
i always encourage ohl-newbies to develop their costume along with the community. they got the skills - and they share ;)

Glaubt nix - Fragt nach.


Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

Thank you so much...I understand and I aggree with you about the philosophy of the OHL.
I have observed you for four years...and I can tell you that all the people of my group saw you (your camp) like the most best way to play.
So I can tell you that none will give you problems like the things you said.

About the stuff: if you prefer to see te pieces work-in-progress I will post all the pictures as soon as possible...when I have to post the pictures? Here or there are a specify topic?

Also I would like to have a talk about the problems with the italians because I'm part of the staff of a big convention in Italy and some little events and maybe I know this people who show a wrong way to play of Italians.

I tell you this because there are so many italians at the DF and also my group, this and last year, had problems with italians in the green camp...but we didn't know that they were Italians.

I'd like to know which groups you have had problems...and please we would like to show you that not all the italians are so bad!  O)
Beiträge: 7373
Registriert: 04 Feb 2008 20:46
Gruppe: AngGijak
Verbund/Verbünde: Ushtarak Burzum
Wohnort: Ffm

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Shartok »

I understand and I aggree with you about the philosophy of the OHL.

We´ll find out i´d say ;)

So I can tell you that none will give you problems like the things you said.

;). If i have had trust in anyone saying this, i fear there would be no ohl :D
But, as said above, we´ll see. There´s plenty of time till next DF and so we´ve got enough time to talk.
Since you´re missing some important information (the ohl-guidelines are yet to be a distant future ;D),
i´ll take care non-german-speakers.

But i´m pretty sure many people here will explain our special "orcish way". I´ll fill the gaps if necessary.

Italians : As far as i´ve been told Larp in italy is somewhat different from german larp and most of the problems might have their origin in that difference. I´d be glad talking about this topic, but beeing from italy
will not stand in your way to ohl-approval ;). You´ll be threatened like everyone else :) So it´s all about costume and concept.

Costumes & Stuff : Just post it here, i´ll move the topic to the right place.

One information would be of interest : How many people from your group are planning to join us ?

Glaubt nix - Fragt nach.


Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

Italians : As far as i´ve been told Larp in italy is somewhat different from german larp and most of the problems might have their origin in that difference. I´d be glad talking about this topic, but beeing from italy
will not stand in your way to ohl-approval . You´ll be threatened like everyone else  So it´s all about costume and concept.

I'm sure about this  ;D I ask you about the problem only to understand the mistakes of some people...

About the group we are only five right now (we want to do a little selection because we don't want people who make problems)...I think that maybe we will arrive to have ten peoples.

We would like to know if you prefer that we make an own clan or if you prefer that we join to a clan or something similar.
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Registriert: 02 Sep 2009 14:00
Gruppe: Turach Clan
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

Hi and very warm welcome here. its very nice to go international ...
who knows maybe our orcish language will become the new english to speak with each other.

Rya hat geschrieben:We would like to know if you prefer that we make an own clan or if you prefer that we join to a clan or something similar.

Do as you like. i think its a great idea when you 5 italian orcs make your own clan (when you like Clan orks)
Also there is the possibility to join an orcish army with orcish soldiers (Ushtarak Burzum) or an alliance of wild Orc Tribes (Bal ´Hai) , the forces of mordor from the lord of the rings (Grat u Murdur) or be an free tribe and clan.

Tell us how you all see orcs and what yyou have in mind for beeing orc. Then we can assist with ideas and tips.

kind regards
Beiträge: 220
Registriert: 02 Nov 2009 13:54
Gruppe: Skullrott Moskutar
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Goragk »

Rya hat geschrieben:
I remember last year when an ork of the skullrot clan kidnap me for the ritual of the souleater and we play a lot from the gate to the totem and best was when I died and he said to me "good play".

You're welcome!
Nice to see you again^^.
"Ich bin unschuldig!"
Beiträge: 7373
Registriert: 04 Feb 2008 20:46
Gruppe: AngGijak
Verbund/Verbünde: Ushtarak Burzum
Wohnort: Ffm

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Shartok »

joining an existing clan is a decision of that particular clan.
since orc-clans/groups/warbands are kind of "grown structures" i don´t see any chance of any clan accepting 10 ppl as members.
in general people are more or less carefully chosen, since orcplay involves much more it-charakterplay as one may guess from the outside.
all groups joining the ohl agree more or less in some "common sense"-rules that developed since orc-characterplay / orccommunities started over here.

so i´d say : try your own clan/group/warband/whatever..,but i´ll recommend taking your time with fixed concepts. just take your time to talk to people here
and get familiar with those orkheerlager-thingy. there´s much more in orcplay than just hangig around, growling ´n spitting and kickin´ some peoples asses ;).

there might be another option for you : we´ll try to establish "the garrison" which will be a some sort of "guided group" in the camp. it focuses on newbies and solo-players
and aims to give those people , being commanded intime by experienced orc players, the best possible integration into that camp. "the garrison" (still in concept phase) is more or less open to all backgrounds, but will offer some ready-made bg´s. garrison-orks will have specific tasks in the camp (not much...but sth. like lighting the torches at dusk...and sth like that) and will have their own housing if possible-
we´re working on this :)

and concerning "italian-problems" :
I ask you about the problem only to understand the mistakes of some people...

hehehe...that "some people" i call "scusis". back in 2006 i feared that they try to chop of my head :). it was like : *chop!*-"scusi"-*BAM!*-"scusi"-"WHACK"-"scusi"...hell...i´m still traumatized :D
this year most italians were just average larpers. some good, some not. and one half-naked-guy with xena-like-weaponry, holding the frontline in our camp for about 10 halfnaked minutes :D. maybe he wore his magic panties of steel...or whatever. but it´s ALWAYS one half naked italian guy :). no problem at all, but funny as the aftermath.
i have to admin that, speaking for myself, i wittingliy avoid fight´s with italians. i´m pretty sure that things got much better since 2006 and as orcplayer you´re getting used to gruesome "battleplayers" - but old prejudices seem to die very slowly :D. as i´ve learned enacting hits and wounds isn´t the way things are handled in italy. here people do react to a blow, sometimes even considering blows as "fatal" - even if you´ve plenty of hitpoints left. people told me that this is "very german" and most larper in different countries just count down their points before going down.
with orcs (and other landsknechts, dwards and many other people) it´s all about show :). i think you´ve noticed our specific style...we´re always famed because of our "fighting style"...
(be assured that we have our own versions of "scusi-steelpantie-orcwarriors" too ;D - and the most annoying, dull players...came from(surprise, surprise) GERMANY ! HA ! )
Zuletzt geändert von Shartok am 19 Aug 2011 23:04, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Glaubt nix - Fragt nach.


Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

who knows maybe our orcish language will become the new english to speak with each other.

It would be very nice!  ;D

Also there is the possibility to join an orcish army with orcish soldiers (Ushtarak Burzum) or an alliance of wild Orc Tribes (Bal ´Hai) , the forces of mordor from the lord of the rings (Grat u Murdur) or be an free tribe and clan.

I think that my group will build an own clan...I think it's more easy...if we do it we can join to the options you wrote up?

I remember last year when an ork of the skullrot clan kidnap me for the ritual of the souleater and we play a lot from the gate to the totem and best was when I died and he said to me "good play".

You're welcome!
Nice to see you again^^.

Nice to see that you remember me!!! Thanks for the beer of last year (the show of the rising of souleater was great)

there might be another option for you : we´ll try to establish "the garrison" which will be a some sort of "guided group" in the camp. it focuses on newbies and solo-players
and aims to give those people , being commanded intime by experienced orc players, the best possible integration into that camp. "the garrison" (still in concept phase) is more or less open to all backgrounds, but will offer some ready-made bg´s. garrison-orks will have specific tasks in the camp (not much...but sth. like lighting the torches at dusk...and sth like that) and will have their own housing if possible-
we´re working on this

I think that this is a beautiful idea to introduce new players!

hehehe...that "some people" i call "scusis". back in 2006 i feared that they try to chop of my head . it was like : *chop!*-"scusi"-*BAM!*-"scusi"-"WHACK"-"scusi"...hell...i´m still traumatized 
this year most italians were just average larpers. some good, some not. and one half-naked-guy with xena-like-weaponry, holding the frontline in our camp for about 10 halfnaked minutes . maybe he wore his magic panties of steel...or whatever. but it´s ALWAYS one half naked italian guy . no problem at all, but funny as the aftermath.
i have to admin that, speaking for myself, i wittingliy avoid fight´s with italians. i´m pretty sure that things got much better since 2006 and as orcplayer you´re getting used to gruesome "battleplayers" - but old prejudices seem to die very slowly . as i´ve learned enacting hits and wounds isn´t the way things are handled in italy. here people do react to a blow, sometimes even considering blows as "fatal" - even if you´ve plenty of hitpoints left. people told me that this is "very german" and most larper in different countries just count down their points before going down.
with orcs (and other landsknechts, dwards and many other people) it´s all about show . i think you´ve noticed our specific style...we´re always famed because of our "fighting style"...
(be assured that we have our own versions of "scusi-steelpantie-orcwarriors" too  - and the most annoying, dull players...came from(surprise, surprise) GERMANY ! HA ! )

I think that the half-nacked guy was from the green camp. From 2006 we organize the trovel to germany so we know many italians at the DF. Most italians join the Red, the Silver and the Blue camp...we don't know the ones in the green camp, we had also many problem with them and we discovered later that they was italians.
Someone told me that you had problems also with the italians in the silver camp (the group of templars with black clothes with the white cross) that's true?
Beiträge: 597
Registriert: 02 Sep 2009 14:00
Gruppe: Turach Clan
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

Rya hat geschrieben:I think that my group will build an own clan...I think it's more easy...if we do it we can join to the options you wrote up?

Great Idea.. and no its not impossible to go with the whole Clan to an Fraction later i think.
Maybe it depends on what kind of orcs you play. But there is Alliance possibility for everyone.
Just do Roleplay.
When you made the first steps,.. concepts, race and skin decisions, style and the first costume pieces,.. contact me and we will se if we can teach you some orcish vocabulary and tell you how to speak it out.
Beiträge: 1225
Registriert: 07 Feb 2008 17:18

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Arash »

Rya hat geschrieben:Someone told me that you had problems also with the italians in the silver camp (the group of templars with black clothes with the white cross) that's true?

Me and my group fought against them this year at night, and it was a nice battle and we had no problems with them.
Schleifer von Baraz-Gur!

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