Mask modification, need help

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Mask modification, need help

Beitrag von Godvin »

So Okup Shakamb bought masks from one of our friends who makes them fairly cheap but from old moulds, so the design is open at the chin. And it dont look too good when the mouth is fully openened.


I thought of two solutions

1) Cut the mask at the chin so it does not flap when the mouth is fully opened

2) make a chinstrap of some sort - i just havent figured out what to do here..

Does anyone of you guys have a sollution tip?

Trod of Clan Okup Shakamb - Bellowing Rock
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Re: Mask modification, need help

Beitrag von Bub-Hosh »

kann ihm irgendwer übersetzen, das er nen bei uns üblichen halsschlauch oder nen abdeckenden kragen braucht...bis ich ihm das auf englisch zurechtgestammelt hab.... Oo)
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Re: Mask modification, need help

Beitrag von Zhûul »

Bub-Hosh is trying to tell you, that one of the most important things will be a piece of cloth or something similar to camoflage your neck and hide the pinkish human skin ;) something like a scarf or a turtleneck....

Additionally... growing a chinbeard might help with the "flapping" problem. I'm not so sure how thick the masks are, but if they are too wide, you might stuff them with a comfortable piece of cloth, or simply if nothing else works, wear a worn piece of cloth or leather in front of your mouth....
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Registriert: 28 Feb 2008 12:16
Gruppe: Shira-Hai - Mautor
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Re: Mask modification, need help

Beitrag von Bub-Hosh »

danke mein lieber.
das "flapping" problem lässt sich so zumindest auch kaschieren.
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Re: Mask modification, need help

Beitrag von Sget »

Hey Godvin,

what we actually used here in the past (when 3/4 masks became famouse) was a leather collar (from neck to nose) or a "cloth scarf or tube" to cover the complete neck and mouth with it. Although most of our mounthless modles used to cover the neck.

Another option is to stitch or glue the mask on a faceless balaclava. However you will always need build something to cover the neck. to make it better looking you can put latex on the balaclava and paint it in the mask color. (keep the cloth stretched while doing this otherwise you'll get problems when trying to put it on next time, as it becomes very inflexible even with few latex on it :))

What additionally helps with the balaclava is to makup the mask around the mouth in order to cover the transition between skin and mask.

Most powerful is a combination of all 3 options or you directly advance to the best option and buy a full mask :) i.e. from Wendy 200 - 250 € atm :
Frauen, er ist nicht zu beaucoup!

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