Orc in the making (Garment docum.)

Hier könnt ihr die die Entwicklung von Charakteroutfits bzw. deren Teilen einstellen/finden.
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Registriert: 08 Aug 2016 14:31
Gruppe: Clan Môr'Ashtu
Verbund/Verbünde: Ex-Okup Shakamb
Wohnort: Copenhagen - Denmark

Re: Orc in the making (Garment docum.)

Beitrag von MLind »

Just your luck it turned out nice and understandable then Blozbarz. It's rarely that it makes full sense when you translate it like that.
I'll be looking forward to teach you some danish words, or more so just cursing at your face in my danish tongue in the best orc manner possible. But I'll be up for sharing a chat with you and our Mudur brother's and sister as well as a beer. Just don't forget to come empty handed yourself :P
"Gitul grish, gitul mat!"
Martin Lind from Denmark ;D Use to play Rakothûrz in Okup Shakamb.
8) Now chief in a new danish orc clan: Clan Môr'Ashtu.
Beiträge: 377
Registriert: 08 Aug 2016 14:31
Gruppe: Clan Môr'Ashtu
Verbund/Verbünde: Ex-Okup Shakamb
Wohnort: Copenhagen - Denmark

Update 4

Beitrag von MLind »

^-^ Got some photos taken this weekend, a little improvement on some places. Looks different with the not foggy lightning. Added a groin goblin clothing and tried out some new shoes. Still got to make shoe cover. And definitely gotta give the rags a throw-around too.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
ZKZ okup 28jan17 123b.jpg
ZKZ okup 28jan17 123b.jpg (519.6 KiB) 3071 mal betrachtet
"Gitul grish, gitul mat!"
Martin Lind from Denmark ;D Use to play Rakothûrz in Okup Shakamb.
8) Now chief in a new danish orc clan: Clan Môr'Ashtu.
Beiträge: 211
Registriert: 12 Jan 2016 19:12
Gruppe: Zabis Udu
Verbund/Verbünde: Grat u Murdur

Re: Orc in the making (Garment docum.)

Beitrag von Khrosh »

hi dude,

i do like what im seeing here.
whole garment looks like it fits you well.

i hope that you make it with those tabbies that you mentioned.
mine drove me crasy when i was sewing sheets of leather onto them.
you cn see the results in my documentation right here : klick me, im a link

especially the big toe was a problem, because it took me hours and hours to
sew in its tip...

but on the other hand, if you can make it like this, you can make them nearly
waterproof, if the leathersheets are close enough together :blüm:
mine are, exept the part where the velcro- fastener is.
but thats not the point, because on cold days, you get cold feet anyway :D
nardurz dalug'hai'izubu,
gazogûrz grishum'izubu.
nar'ufurizgu ish, nar'ufurizgu matum!
îstizgu tug, ghung murdur bugdat,
maukizgu, fitgizgu, matizgu shakhburzur!
Beiträge: 377
Registriert: 08 Aug 2016 14:31
Gruppe: Clan Môr'Ashtu
Verbund/Verbünde: Ex-Okup Shakamb
Wohnort: Copenhagen - Denmark

Re: Orc in the making (Garment docum.)

Beitrag von MLind »

Hey @Krosh,

I like your message and the insight you're giving me. :) :blüm:

I remember seeing your ninja tabbies back in the days, and thinking to myself - that must have taken ages. Especially with how you've made them and leathered them. I like what I saw and what I see - but I decided for the more easy solution for now. I've added clothing to it with liquid latex and it sticks pretty good, but I have been considering to add leather, like you. I can big time imagine that the big-toe is difficult. As for waterproof, I don't think they will be that ever with this kind of way I've done it, but I like the idea. Though seeing them as a kind of summer-shoe I will try not to heat up my feet too much. But it's still a work in process to test as the weather gets more sunny and hot in Denmark.
What are your thoughts and experiences with this fact?

The garment is coming together - I have been approved and gotten my gearcheck for DF17, but I am still tweaking on many pieces I want to improve or add. You can check out my latest photos on the anmeldung here: viewtopic.php?f=166&t=13909&start=15 - just scroll a bit down
"Gitul grish, gitul mat!"
Martin Lind from Denmark ;D Use to play Rakothûrz in Okup Shakamb.
8) Now chief in a new danish orc clan: Clan Môr'Ashtu.
Beiträge: 211
Registriert: 12 Jan 2016 19:12
Gruppe: Zabis Udu
Verbund/Verbünde: Grat u Murdur

Re: Orc in the making (Garment docum.)

Beitrag von Khrosh »

yeah, i already read it,
i like your shoe cover =)

soon i will show my new projekt to make other shoes.
in this im using just normal sport- sneakers and am
covering them with leather.

has the benefit that you have much more space inside the shoe
to add the leather perfectly fitting on the shoes.
plus, you get a thicker sole, so that running on stony grounds
becomes more comfortable.

the technique is the same i just used for my tabbies.

but in difference between the two types of shoes,
the normal sneakers have also more space to glue the rim of
the leather pieces on the sole of the shoes.
i hope i gain some more extra strength form the glue,
so that the leather wont rip off the soles and gets more
resistant to water...

as a tip, i used superglue like this: superglue
to fixate my leatherpieces on the right position, and to glue it on the sole.
this glue is kinda flexible, so it is not likely to rip off the sole,
and as a result to this, it doesnt let any water into your boots from the downside ;)
nardurz dalug'hai'izubu,
gazogûrz grishum'izubu.
nar'ufurizgu ish, nar'ufurizgu matum!
îstizgu tug, ghung murdur bugdat,
maukizgu, fitgizgu, matizgu shakhburzur!

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