Ar'Adunâim attending

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Registriert: 13 Okt 2019 15:16
Gruppe: Ar Adûnaim
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Ar'Adunâim attending

Beitrag von Goldberg1234 »

Hey OHL!

after some talks with Durubarz, Ar'Adunâim is planning to come to epic empires this year! All the way from denmark :D

Ar'Adunâim Are a maurak of fanatic marines from Umbar, Who fight in the name of fitgnau!

We know we Are a human group, and a exception to your concept... but we fit really into the style and play, and after been under command of okup shakamp for some years, we Are finally ready to try international ork army larp!

Here Are some pics of our group, Hope u like Them! ... xPHHsYqczi

If u have Any questions, then im more thsn willing to answer!

- Christian Guldberg, teamleader
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Re: Ar'Adunâim attending

Beitrag von Garouk »

Hey Gang (and Christian) and "Broshan!" here at OHL,

it's really nice to see that more and more people and groups from abroad are joining and the influence of the Orks is growing worldwide!

Especially from Denmark we hear and see a lot of cool stuff and interesting orc game in the last years! (Always been a fan of the "gutural" version of your pronounciation of Black Speech by Krakuhl or Okup Shakamp, love the "danish accent" of BS!)

However, I have to be honest, when I saw your costumes, my first thought was: "Ah, very nice costumes and all, but where do they have the pictures WITH the masks?". I strongly assume that you already had contact with the people from the GuM and are therefore also informed about the past and current situation and views in the OHL community. We had the debate about how we deal with "humans" in the past for a long time and it was intensively led. Of course, Mordor in particular has (human) auxiliary troops in the Lore, and a certain proportion of humans in the orc camp has to be okay, fair enough. But I also want to say clearly (more to the GuM than to you honestly) that for me the growing number of "concepts without mask" is somehow difficult.

Sure: The more, the merrier and basically everyone should be able to play whatever the hell they want, but I don't think we're doing ourselves any favors as a whole by becoming more and more inconsistent with our "It is an ORC camp first and foremost!" Credo over the last few years. Especially when it comes to concepts who are very religious-fanatic and (reasonably because of their status as "freshly converted") are very keen on the auctorial intepretation on "Mordor Supremacy". As past encounters with such concepts, for us "Non Murdur" groups (Oh the few, the underpaid :P ) showed, there is basically only the radical conflict option left to interact with such groups in a meaningful manner and albeit that can and will surley be done, this is not particularly exciting in the long run. Apart from that the span for peacful interaction with human Mordor groups is in my opinion very, very limited and not particular interesting, beyond very basic "Army play". In my opinion, if we are bringing more and more exotic concepts into the Orccamp, our first question should be (especially beacuse we are severly watering down the "Orc" Component in "OHL" every time we take a nonorc group in) "What is the value for the overall "Orcgame" that will be added for the whole of the camp through taking in this human auxiliary group?" and though I am open for every disscussion about it, I strongly belive atleast there should be one.
In this respect, I dare to ask cheekily: What can we do with your group apart from "My gods are better than yours!! "Oh yeah???!" "Yes!!!"? Do your characters do crafts, for example? Can you be approached for shady businesses? Do you have issues that take you beyond the Murdur Command chain?

In this respect albeit this may sounds a bit harsh and don't be irritated: Heartly welcome to the orc camp dear Ar'Adunâim, outtime we are really happy to welcome you onboard our gruesome crazy Loveboat! For the Ingame aspects however, I would really like to throw the option around, if cladding your noble faces with the glorious rubber boot togehter with the bloody rest of us, is truly a possibility that can't under no circumstances be considerd. After all, believe me: at least the Baab tastes even better with the darn thing on! :P :*
nie anwesende Drecksmade
Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 13 Okt 2019 15:16
Gruppe: Ar Adûnaim
Verbund/Verbünde: none yet

Re: Ar'Adunâim attending

Beitrag von Goldberg1234 »

Hey man! Thank u for the reply :D

First of all, thanks for the welcome! We are very much excited to join :)

We really Hope for more danish groups to join in the long run! We have a very thriving murdur community in Denmark, we Are at least 5 more troops who All play orcs, only problem is that EE is outside our regular holidays, so its kinda a husleje 😅

Our group is the only human group here, and the oldest part from Okup shakamb - so we Are quite litterally bottlefed to the uruk style of larp, which we really enjoy!

I do understand your concerns though, and I agree - the mainstream identity of any orc camp should ofc. Be the orcs. This is also the reason why we Are max coming 5 Guys this first year. We want to show our play, and how it works with the mechanics of your game, instead of drowning 😄

But surely, a discussion as u mentioned is a great idea!

Now... I love cheeky questions 😉

Ar'Adunâim is yes, a group of marines fanaticly loyal, but not to the shakhburz, as most uruks Are. But to mautark, one of the nine.

Umbar, our homecity has a very long history, but it is not fanaticly loyal to the war against the free people. The war is more of a neccesity, to reclaim our homeland. Mautark is the closest Thing in umbar to a god, and is still more a legend for most people. We are the fanatics of our city, so to say :)
I myself is nearly the only who Truls believes in the eye, as I play a thrak.
So, some internal conflicts with the rest of GuM is Def gonna happen!

Secondly, yes, we deal both in crafts and shady dealings - nearly every recruit in Ar'Adunâim were recruited from the gutter - corsairs, gangmembers, pitfighters etc. So most of us still deal in these acts, when we Are not "on duty" so to say 😄

Lastly - Ar'Adunâim is an ekspedionary force, VERY far from home in nearly every conflict, with No supply chain.

So most of the common soldiers have a craft; cooking, smithing, sail-tailoring, timbering, medical etc. Anything to keep the ship afloat (get it? 😉)

I Hope this was a satifactory answer! Else, im glad to answer more questions ❤️

All love from Danmark - Christian

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