Greetings from Italy

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Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

I believe the most Problems where caused by
a.) massive hits on the head and uncontrolled wave about with the weapons
b.) not playing wounds, or going down dead in the right time.

...not only by italians , it happens in every nation. but i think it was mostly seen from italian side (not all) but its easier to say "the bad italians was it again!"

i can only speak for the very past arround 2006
I believe it happens not so often anymore today.

ps: its important for me that you understand that nobody has a Problem with Italian people, or any other nation or OT race. This year on the Conquest some danish people went to the Gamemasters and told them "they kill us because we are danish players!" .. grrr... they did not understand that we kill only danish assassins from the danish assassins guild because they declared war on us last year and continued playing that guild this year. ;-)
Zuletzt geändert von Skargrim am 20 Aug 2011 12:05, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: 26 Feb 2008 12:36
Gruppe: Shapog-Gûr
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Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von ShauMog »

Mostly, I agree to Shartok´s opinion. As beeing an Orc Player for several years, i´ve watched the development of the Larp Scene, and also of the italian guests.

Firstly said, People (especially LARPERS) ALWAYS got prejudices. Even more, if there have been "dirty play" situations in the past, which lead to bad experiences.

Unfortunatelly there have been those kind of situations with some italian players in past. BUT - this does not mean, that only italian players play "dirty". There are plenty of german players which do exactly the same. Sad but true, people from foreign countrys are remembered, because they are "the others" , and it´s by far more easy to blame them for something. They are kind of stigmatized.

Like Shartok said - the main reason, and origin of misunderstoodments between german (especially "orc-players") and italian players is the difference between the system. In Germany (especially at Ork Players) it´s unpopular to count "Hit Points". We prefer to play wounds and hits mostly realistic, based on a system which is called "DKWDDK" "Du-kannst-was-du-darstellen-kannst" or "You-can-what-you-can-act-probable". It´s kind of a "pointless" play.

This year i´ve experienced both sides of play with an italian player:

Situation 1: The Player shoutet: "Stand still and fight. I want to loot your character!"

I was tempted to wait for him, pulling out the dices and roll a D20"

Situation 2: Also with an Italian player, i have had  a great meleefight , with bothsides respect and good roleplay.
aktuell bespielter Charakter: Frûshkul @ Grat u Murdur
Bei den Ahnen: ShauMog, II. BalGris der Bal'Hai, gestorben März 2011

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

I think that my group will build an own clan...I think it's more easy...if we do it we can join to the options you wrote up?

Great Idea.. and no its not impossible to go with the whole Clan to an Fraction later i think.
Maybe it depends on what kind of orcs you play. But there is Alliance possibility for everyone.
Just do Roleplay.
When you made the first steps,.. concepts, race and skin decisions, style and the first costume pieces,.. contact me and we will se if we can teach you some orcish vocabulary and tell you how to speak it out.

I have to wait the 24th of august for talk about the bg with the rest of the group, they are in holiday now. But I can post some pieces done by my boyfriend which we think to use for the orc character.

i can only speak for the very past arround 2006
I believe it happens not so often anymore today.

Most problems with the italians was in 2006...many german people of any Camp told me you remember the clothes of the group? Maybe they wear white clothes with a yellow sun on the front?

ps: its important for me that you understand that nobody has a Problem with Italian people, or any other nation or OT race. This year on the Conquest some danish people went to the Gamemasters and told them "they kill us because we are danish players!" .. grrr... they did not understand that we kill only danish assassins from the danish assassins guild because they declared war on us last year and continued playing that guild this year. ;-)

I never though that you make problems about nationality or race...but I think that many germans said that italians don't play good because they have bad experience with them...(mostly with the group I describe up called Ordo Solis)

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

Mostly, I agree to Shartok´s opinion. As beeing an Orc Player for several years, i´ve watched the development of the Larp Scene, and also of the italian guests.

Firstly said, People (especially LARPERS) ALWAYS got prejudices. Even more, if there have been "dirty play" situations in the past, which lead to bad experiences.

Unfortunatelly there have been those kind of situations with some italian players in past. BUT - this does not mean, that only italian players play "dirty". There are plenty of german players which do exactly the same. Sad but true, people from foreign countrys are remembered, because they are "the others" , and it´s by far more easy to blame them for something. They are kind of stigmatized.

Like Shartok said - the main reason, and origin of misunderstoodments between german (especially "orc-players") and italian players is the difference between the system. In Germany (especially at Ork Players) it´s unpopular to count "Hit Points". We prefer to play wounds and hits mostly realistic, based on a system which is called "DKWDDK" "Du-kannst-was-du-darstellen-kannst" or "You-can-what-you-can-act-probable". It´s kind of a "pointless" play.

This year i´ve experienced both sides of play with an italian player:

Situation 1: The Player shoutet: "Stand still and fight. I want to loot your character!"

I was tempted to wait for him, pulling out the dices and roll a D20"

Situation 2: Also with an Italian player, i have had  a great meleefight , with bothsides respect and good roleplay.

There are bad and good players from every nation, I agree with you about the "DKWDDK" players use it also in italy but there are ever someone who want to show that he is "immortal"  :P Sad but true!  ;D

I remember this year a fight against 3 orks in the afternoon of the 3rd day (I think)...I had may armor and my duble-hands axe...but it was 3 against 1 so I was hit 2 times and I went down. Then an orks cut my head and say to me "good play" was great! So I understand what you mean!  :D
Beiträge: 597
Registriert: 02 Sep 2009 14:00
Gruppe: Turach Clan
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

;D ehehehe.. then i think you should thank the other italian groups for their "dirty play" because now you will hear more often "good play" or "well played wounds and hits" then usual .. because some germans see that as rare.  ;)

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Gnary »

Hi to everybody >]
i'm Luca one of the other guys that wonna play in your camp next year this is one of my creation for sowlder-armor!

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Registriert: 02 Sep 2009 14:00
Gruppe: Turach Clan
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

It looks realy great and very Clan-like.  :up:
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Registriert: 26 Feb 2008 12:36
Gruppe: Shapog-Gûr
Verbund/Verbünde: Grat u Murdur
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Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von ShauMog »

The Shoulder Armor looks like more typical for "Clan-Backgrounds" . (Wild & Free Tribes).
For this purpose, people like Skargrimm of the Turach Clan for example would be the perfect contact person.

For a military Background (Ushtarak Burzum) or Mordor "Lord-of-the-Rings" Background (Grat u murdur) it wouldn´t be suitable.

Anyhow, i recommend to get it into a more "used" look. Dirty, scratched and partially destroyed
aktuell bespielter Charakter: Frûshkul @ Grat u Murdur
Bei den Ahnen: ShauMog, II. BalGris der Bal'Hai, gestorben März 2011
Beiträge: 597
Registriert: 02 Sep 2009 14:00
Gruppe: Turach Clan
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

Yes ... but please with only one M at the end. ;-)
Zuletzt geändert von Skargrim am 20 Aug 2011 13:27, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

I'm glad to see that you like the work in progress.

Me and Luca have to speak with the other guys about the background but I can tell you that the style will be more similar to a tribes.

It would be possible to have some advices about backgrounds of clans or wild tribes to have an example for organize our group in-game?
Beiträge: 597
Registriert: 02 Sep 2009 14:00
Gruppe: Turach Clan
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

you got mail ;D

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

Danke!  :D
Beiträge: 597
Registriert: 02 Sep 2009 14:00
Gruppe: Turach Clan
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Skargrim »

Non c'è di che!
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Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Sget »

Hi Rya,

this canard with the white cross guys from the silver camp might came up due to a post I made on the DF board some days ago.
I will give you a short translation of what I wrote there... at least what I have in mind :) Just to avoid any missunderstanding.

Main theme was the improvement of the sieges on DF in order to make them a bit more flexible and more interesting for the players.
As far as I remember someone came up with the point of respawning during a siege and that this should be forgiven.
Therfore I told a small story that happend with the chief of this particular group that was killed and then passed perhaps half an
hour behind our lines while talking OT with some Orcs. Then he thanked everyone for the nice play a left the camp while the siege was
still going on. Some minutes later a saw the same guy leading the last wave of the attack. That was just an exampel for respawning
during a siege and I do not want this to be understood as "problems" I had with this group.

Personally I do not like that, but its not against the rules on DF so everyone has to make his own choice whether he/her acts like that.
On the other hand its simply not my job to judge and fret about someones behavior. That would just frustrate me  :D
I'm just there to have some relaxing days with as much fun as possible, simply do LARP and make a nice show.

Regarding the pictures Luca posted:

I'd give this hole thing a bit more kind of a used-look. You should take care of not working to accurate and symetric.
It depends a bit on your background but as orc the handcraft skills are normally not very... devolped :)
And many people here try to express this with their costumes.

Personally I'm not a real fan of coat (I prefere wild boar rather then this fluffy one, simply looks more aggressiv) but I like this shoulder..

But those gloves are looking realy strange to me. Seams as if you have taken a black bathroom carpet runner and wrapped it around your arms.
If I were you I would exchange that with some leather gloves and put that metall stuff directly on them, if you realy want to keep it.

Anyway this sounds very negative but all in all I really like what I see :)
Frauen, er ist nicht zu beaucoup!

Chue: Sören, tippst du eigentlich mit dem Penis?
Sören: Ja!
Chue: Warum?
Sören: Meine Finger sind zu dick!
Shrak'kor Style, leider geil

Re:Greetings from Italy

Beitrag von Rya »

About the gloves we think that we will take of some fur and make some insert in leather and we have to make all the armour more "dirty" you have some advice to do this?

About Gilgamesh (the boss of the guys with the white cross) personally I don't like ever his way of play...sometimes he did good play but mostly I see a man who want to show his immortality!  ;D
Zuletzt geändert von Rya am 20 Aug 2011 15:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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