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Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 31 Okt 2009 16:51
von Thulgor
Try to come to Rammstein. That's near Kaiserslautern/Saarbrücken and that means it's near to a lot of Orc Players. Or u could join us on the next Dragonfest if ur vacations allow it.  ;)

Anyways welcome, i hope to see some pics of ur Orc soon.

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 31 Okt 2009 17:06
von Morkai
The different clans are just groups of players who banded together for various reasons: Background, Style or - especially evident in my group- because the sex is good.

You could surely get to play with/in one of these groups, if you want to visit us for one of the bigger larp-events in the summertime, or establish your own group.

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 01 Nov 2009 12:45
von Dominic
Morkai hat geschrieben:The different clans are just groups of players who banded together for various reasons: Background, Style or - especially evident in my group- because the sex is good.

You could surely get to play with/in one of these groups, if you want to visit us for one of the bigger larp-events in the summertime, or establish your own group.

Ahh, I see. If I do get stationed in Germany I'll have to look for some of you. And DragonFest, it sounds like Dragon Con that we have in the States. But it's probably different.

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 01 Nov 2009 13:39
von Garouk
Nah, it is more like a big larp event (probably the biggest in europe?) with ca. 3000 players. This community was originally established because of the Orc Army Camp there.
If you want to take a closer look: (there is afaik an english version, too and an impressions trailer in which many of us can be seen.)

Most of the players in this forum can be met there.

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 01 Nov 2009 23:59
von Dominic
Garouk hat geschrieben:Nah, it is more like a big larp event (probably the biggest in europe?) with ca. 3000 players. This community was originally established because of the Orc Army Camp there.
If you want to take a closer look: (there is afaik an english version, too and an impressions trailer in which many of us can be seen.)

Most of the players in this forum can be met there.

Very neat. Is it mainly a german-speaking thing, or should I learn the black tongue of mordor, or try to pick up Orcish?

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 02 Nov 2009 10:02
von Zoshakan
just a hint:
If you searching for a big convention in germany, i advise the Epic Empires. It's smaller (about 500 this year, next year there will be more) but the rules are not highpower-bullshit, there are fewer idiots and dumbasses then on other conventions, the camps are cooler (theme-camps instead of coloured-camps) and the fights are much more brutal and cool :) ftw!

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 02 Nov 2009 10:10
von Shartok
Being a german Larp-Event german it is of course a german-speaking thinky...but there is no need to learn german or black tongue/orcish. speaking english is no problem, since most people do speak english due to the fact that ist´s (in general) the
first foreign language u´ll mess around in school :). in most cases u´ll experience no problems...

talking bs/orcisch : well...won´t make sense. most of the orcs speak a few words and phrases of their own specific bs/orcish-dialect, so there is no "common tongue" among the orcs. few words are more or less used throughout the orcs...but won´t be enough to say more than "charge", "blood", "gather", "i will kill you" and stuff like that.

and :

biggest larpevent in germany is the "conquest of mythodea", which had ~7000 players this year.
really big, very impressive by some means...but most of the orcs you find here seem to prefer the other "mega-event",
which is the drachenfest with around 3000-4000 players. with the "epic empires" there´s a new (since 2009) convention attended by many orcs you find here...time will tell if this one will grow to an event with 1000+ players.

and : the more players u got, the more idiots u face. i believe that no event with numbers above 1000+ will change
this in a significant way. idiocy is not bound to rules or concepts...although i´m not sure about cosplayers :D

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 02 Nov 2009 10:30
von Zoshakan
and : the more players u got, the more idiots u face. i believe that no event with numbers above 1000+ will change
this in a significant way. idiocy is not bound to rules or concepts...although i´m not sure about cosplayers Cheesy

Wenn man den Zielpersonenkreis beschränkt, so denke ich zumindest, kann man die Idiotenzahl massiv reduzieren (wenn man jetzt Idiot mit klassischem Larp-Idiot definiert). Ich schätze auf einem bspw. Spämi-Einladungscons werden prozentual auch weitaus weniger Schmocks rumrennen, als auf durchschnittlichen FantasyCons.

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 02 Nov 2009 11:12
von ShauMog
Was habt ihr alle eigentlich immer gegen SCHMOCKS? ;-P ^^

@ Zosha: Gutes Beispiel wäre unsere Thing II Einladungs-Con im Dezember. Da haben wir die möglichen Spasten handverlesen ^^

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 02 Nov 2009 11:50
von Shartok
Zoshakan hat geschrieben:Wenn man den Zielpersonenkreis beschränkt, so denke ich zumindest, kann man die Idiotenzahl massiv reduzieren (wenn man jetzt Idiot mit klassischem Larp-Idiot definiert). Ich schätze auf einem bspw. Spämi-Einladungscons werden prozentual auch weitaus weniger Schmocks rumrennen, als auf durchschnittlichen FantasyCons.

ist natürlich auch immer ne frage, was man als "idiot" definiert und welche idioten mach noch toleriert.
da kann man sicherlich keine absoluten maßstäbe aufstellen. für mich ist die idiotendichte im larp generell
ziemlich gleich...aber egal...this thread is about our american orc, not about larp-philosophy

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 03 Nov 2009 17:48
von Dominic
Zoshakan hat geschrieben:Wenn man den Zielpersonenkreis beschränkt, so denke ich zumindest, kann man die Idiotenzahl massiv reduzieren (wenn man jetzt Idiot mit klassischem Larp-Idiot definiert). Ich schätze auf einem bspw. Spämi-Einladungscons werden prozentual auch weitaus weniger Schmocks rumrennen, als auf durchschnittlichen FantasyCons.

ok, got all of that except "Spämi-Einladungscons". And from LARP-style things in the US I think we have pretty similar groups. "Idiots" who are just there to drink/fight/get laid "Progressives" Who do as best they can with what they can find or buy and "Hardcore" which tries to be the best there is.

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 04 Nov 2009 22:23
von Falschmünzer
Allow me to translate...."SpäMi-Einladungscon" is the short form for "Spätmittelalter-Einladungsconvention". Spätmittelalter means "late middle ages", an Einladungscon (invitation convention or something like that) is a convention where the participans are handpicked by the host to ensure that certain standarts (clothing, weapon style, etc) are fulfilled to create a certain athomosphere and to prevent larp-typical situations like orks fighting renaissance musketeers or horned-helmed vikings accompaning tin can paladins and so on...

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 05 Nov 2009 14:21
von Dominic
Nagai hat geschrieben:Allow me to translate...."SpäMi-Einladungscon" is the short form for "Spätmittelalter-Einladungsconvention". Spätmittelalter means "late middle ages", an Einladungscon (invitation convention or something like that) is a convention where the participans are handpicked by the host to ensure that certain standarts (clothing, weapon style, etc) are fulfilled to create a certain athomosphere and to prevent larp-typical situations like orks fighting renaissance musketeers or horned-helmed vikings accompaning tin can paladins and so on...

The more I try and learn the more I see that German is one HELL of a language. The words are huge! I think that LARP must be more popular in Germany, it's hard to pull enough people in the US to be able to be so picky. I'd love to see more of it however. Also Zoshakan, did you make your helmet or did you buy it? I like the style and I'd really like to make one of my own.

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 07 Nov 2009 00:57
von Raskar
Wellkome Dominic, my english is not very got. I hobe you have fun her!



Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Verfasst: 07 Nov 2009 13:16
von Dominic
Raskar hat geschrieben:Wellkome Dominic, my english is not very got. I hobe you have fun her!



Thank you Raskar, your English is better than most translators that I've been able to find.