Having a group on the profile and not

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Registriert: 08 Aug 2016 14:31
Gruppe: Clan Môr'Ashtu
Verbund/Verbünde: Ex-Okup Shakamb
Wohnort: Copenhagen - Denmark

Having a group on the profile and not

Beitrag von MLind »

Hey, just a curious question. It might just be that the reason is that Okup Shakamb is "new" on the forum and haven't found a use for it, nor have you seen one. But I've been looking through different users profiles, and seen that they have the actual group option/scroll down option. Meanwhile Okup doesn't seem to have it.


Krosh is for example part of Grat U Murdur, and has it in his group description too. Meanwhile I only have it in the description. It is an option you can help me enable or work out?

I just thought it would be helpful for other people, if the (clan)group and it's members was visible to others. At least those of us that are on here.

Again just a thought ;D
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Registriert: 08 Feb 2008 21:46
Gruppe: Shira Hai
Verbund/Verbünde: Grat u Murdur - Kutotaz
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Re: Having a group on the profile and not

Beitrag von Fauth/Glum »


i hope i can help you. Every Group in this forum can go/write to admin and ask him that he open a new group for him. Its than a Forum Part in this Forum. So like the OCL or EE-platform.
And if people want to join a special group, they can ask the group owner if its possible.
You can find this options under the "gear wheel " Symbol next to "new news/Neue Nachrichten"- than "user groups/Benutzergruppen" and then under "groups without your membership/Gruppen ohne deine Mitgliedschaft". So you can click the symbol after this and in the end you can add "Ausgewähler beitreten".

But think about this, that there are any groups who only want to have members from her own in the group.

kind regards
Beiträge: 377
Registriert: 08 Aug 2016 14:31
Gruppe: Clan Môr'Ashtu
Verbund/Verbünde: Ex-Okup Shakamb
Wohnort: Copenhagen - Denmark

Re: Having a group on the profile and not

Beitrag von MLind »

Thanks again for your quick forum-scouting eyes to pay my question a visit and reply it with an answer Fauth.

I'll look into the guide you gave me. Many thanks bro! I think I can work it out.
As for letting others in, I'm currently going to throw the idea of making an -Okup Shakamb- clan group, for our members only, towards the Okup.

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