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OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 07 Feb 2018 23:24
von Ont-Ash
Guten Tag Allerseits,

Ont-Ash ist tot, lang lebe Nar-Shat.

Sobald die ersten Ergebnisse sichtbar sind, werde ich sie hier posten.

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 08 Feb 2018 05:50
von Morkoth
Wir warten gespannt.

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 08 Feb 2018 15:05
von Tanana
Da bin ich aber wirklich neugierig 8D!

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 23 Feb 2018 23:41
von Ont-Ash
Problem gelöst.

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 07 Mai 2018 10:45
von Krith'Rup / Slarn
Here's a small preview of Nar'shât, in the meantime ;)



Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 09 Mai 2018 22:23
von Ont-Ash
Danke dir Slade für s Posten. Die Klamotte ist aus anderen Teilen aus unserem Fundus improvisiert. Die eigentliche Klamotte ist noch in Arbeit.

Sofern aber der Stand für ein Check (von katastrophaler Halsabtarnung, Bewaffnung und mehr Zeug um die Beine abgesehen) reicht, ist das schonmal gut.

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 09 Mai 2018 22:28
von Fauth/Glum
Die Bilder waren von Slarn, nicht von Slade. ;)

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 10 Mai 2018 09:05
von AlexRonja
ich bin doch kein dreckiger uruklata ;D

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 10 Mai 2018 15:58
von Krith'Rup / Slarn
Everything is fine, but thanks, Glum :)

Anyhow, Nar'shat, the only thing that I think was really missing from your WIP costume, was that black "Ninja Hood" that helps cover the neck area.

Leonard/Borka was also missing one, for his costume too...

I feel It breaks the immersion during the game, and also it really sucks when you want to post a good photo of an orc, but his neck (and sometimes his finger-tips) look completely human...

Maybe I should order from Ali express a few spare sets of these hoods, along with sets of thin black latex gloves, to give to some players who forget it and are stuck without it in the game :scrat:

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 10 Mai 2018 16:00
von Krith'Rup / Slarn

Re: OHL Nar'shât, der Mârubh‘Shâtul, Shira-Hai

Verfasst: 10 Mai 2018 21:09
von Ont-Ash
Thus i clarifiy:
Thanks for posting Slade (As said before). Thanks for the pictures Slarn.

About the visible skin around the neck youre absolutely right. As you know it was improvised. The final clothing will be different. I only asked to get the check in advance to lower the pressure :D

Some spare hoods and gloves would be nice.