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Threadtitel: FASST EUCH im Titel KURZ! Dein Name reicht aus. Danke.
Thread-Title: Please hold the title short! Your name is enough. Thanks
Beiträge: 297
Registriert: 12 Aug 2014 14:27
Gruppe: Horrgarch Mok
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut
Wohnort: Herne

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von Broggah »

@ urok: ist nicht wahr. grashgar hat wadenwickel. aber wie schon gesagt wurde: wickel wenn dann nähen :)
Beiträge: 3007
Registriert: 29 Nov 2010 22:41
Gruppe: Horrgarch Mok
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut
Wohnort: Bochum

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von Urok/Worgahr »

Jau stimmt. Deswegen brauchte der auch immer so lange. *:C ;D
nie anwesende Drecksmade
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 28 Jul 2016 20:38
Gruppe: Shira Hai
Verbund/Verbünde: Grat u Murdur
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von Gorkzlukh »

Vielen Dank für die Tipps
Werde mir wahrscheinlich armstrümpfe besorgen wo ich das gewickel dran nähe Oo)

Wegen dem einfärben der Bandagen bzw generell einfärben der Textilien
Könnt ihr mir da irgendwas vorschlagen bzw Tipps geben damit das auch funktioniert hatte das im privaten mal benutzt war jedoch nach dem 3. waschen wieder raus

Gorkzlukh -]
Beiträge: 3007
Registriert: 29 Nov 2010 22:41
Gruppe: Horrgarch Mok
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut
Wohnort: Bochum

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von Urok/Worgahr »

die Farben von Simplicol sind gut zum Färben. entweder in die Waschmaschine oder alles in nen Topf hauen. zusätzlich gibt's noch n fixierer, den habe ich aber noch nie benutz. Ich wasche meine Klamotte auch nicht in der Maschine. Ich haue höchstens nach der Con meine Untergewandung in die Wanne, und Kippe n guten Schuss Sagrotan drüber.
Beiträge: 377
Registriert: 08 Aug 2016 14:31
Gruppe: Clan Môr'Ashtu
Verbund/Verbünde: Ex-Okup Shakamb
Wohnort: Copenhagen - Denmark

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von MLind »

Hi there, I see a lot of tips being thrown around for the newcomer(s). I really like that. Is there any chance that to find this in english? I'm alright with german, but the language barrier is still there. And google translate seems a little rough on some occassions - perhaps someone could direct me?

And welcome as well Gorkzlukh. Looking forward to see where you take your beserker.
Beiträge: 740
Registriert: 29 Okt 2013 13:26
Gruppe: Grishmakkai
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Wohnort: Köln

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von Molku »

Most of the feedback will probably be delivered in german :moin:
In the past english feedback was only delivered to threads which had been created in english.
In any case the feedback might be a bit rare atm cause the last of the 3 big gernan cons (ee) is about to start. Many of us are already on route or are preparing to start the journey :blüm:

In any case this forum is used by a community which is at least 95% german. I really doubt someone is able to provide a link where you find translated content of this site. I recommend you to wait until next week. Then shartok & kerstin (both are the Admins of this Forum) are back (currently they are part of the construction team on the epic empires terrain). Maybe they have some links. :blüm:
Beiträge: 314
Registriert: 05 Okt 2010 17:13
Gruppe: Kulkodar Bajrak
Verbund/Verbünde: Altes Blut

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von Morgach »

I think every question you might have will be answered in english. For the rest: The easiest way for you seems to ask your clansmates for translation. It would be complicated to repeat all threads in english for you guys.
Beiträge: 377
Registriert: 08 Aug 2016 14:31
Gruppe: Clan Môr'Ashtu
Verbund/Verbünde: Ex-Okup Shakamb
Wohnort: Copenhagen - Denmark

Re: Gorkzlukh

Beitrag von MLind »

@Molku and @Morgach

Hi guys, thanks for your fast reply.

I have full understanding for the fact that the largest percentage of users might prefer things in german, due to the page and group's members having the native origin that you do. And I never had thought or would ask that you'd translate every thread to our liking and understanding - but time by time perhaps in the future, all the cool tips you've gathered will be included in questions I might have and that the others from Okup have asked.

I had completely forgot that there's a few cons going on for you guys right now - I get that there won't be much activity until they're passed over. I'll be looking forward to seeing more people being active, and making the acquaintance with Kerstin and Shartok. As you said, maybe they have some nice links.

It's my understanding though as you said Morgach that all the questions I'll have will be answered by the nice community. It will also help when I start fleshing out what I'm working on - making tips and tricks on how to improve my gear and continue, will pop up.
I'm in touch with my clansmates, but thought I'd bring the question of taking tips my way anyhow into the light of your posts.

Thanks for your reply.
Now I'll look into a post that Glasha did on my introduction thread. :)

Good day to all!

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