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Thread-Title: Please hold the title short! Your name is enough. Thanks
nie anwesende Drecksmade
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Registriert: 30 Okt 2019 21:22


Beitrag von Gothmog »


My name is Martin and I am a swedish former orc larping addict. Spent most of my early larp years playing orc and just recently got the urge to get back into the game. Started to feel the urge to start again after some german friends whos attended a post apocalyptic larp in sweden (BBR) and started to tease me with going to some German larps. Such as Epic Empires.

I have always been fascinated by orc culture and the Black speech in particular. Started to develope the language many years ago so it could be used as the only way to communicate during larps. Been part of several orc projects and larp in the past where Black Speech was the only allowed language.
So I am very passionate and nerdy when it comes to orc culture and the black speech 8D! .

I was recommended to join this forum to learn more about your vision of orks in orkheerlager.

A few questions

1. Do you accept none-german-speaking people?

2. What kind off concepts or "rasse" would work the best if you want to play something like a "slightly witty and vile blood hound tracker with rusty backstabbing dagger"-concept? Prefereably less steel and more primitive clothing styles in more earthy tones. Extremly heavy on the weathering.
More of a Peter Jacksons interpetetion of the Moria orcs in facial features (highly placed and almost none existing nose, with bigger ears, sharp tiny teeth). So far i have figured out that Gimba-Hai is some sort of trackers, as their implies, but what other "rasse" are there that would fit a simular concept?

3. How big part is black speech at larps such as epic empires.
What list do you base your vocabulary and grammars on?

4. Where could i turn to see some examples of different "rassen"? Like visual stuff. I found some drawings but havent found any pic gallery yet. Sorry, but my german language skills are super low :/.

5. How is the interactions with other "rassen" within the orc camps?

6. How is the army organized within the orc camps?

7. Do you have to go with a group or can you go as a solo character filling a function within the "orkheerlager"?

Insted of adding some old low quality orc butt pic, i rather post my latest mutant character from a postapocalyptic LARP in Sweden (BBR).

Thanks in advance! :-* :blüm:
Magûl (Ronk-hai)
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Re: Martin

Beitrag von Gortak »

Hello Martin

At First: Welcome back to the dort. ;)

I try to answer as much of your questions, as gar as I can, because I do this Hobby now only two years and I am started Here in the OHL.

1. Yes, we so. We had players from Israel and Belgium this year in the OHL, so that isn't a problem for us.

2. For clothes/Armor: everything goes, from cloth, to fur, to leather, to steal. We have groups that wear more steal, others wear leather and/or fur and other Players wear mostly cloth. It depends on there groups Backstories and a bit in there own preferences.
About the race: that depends mostly on what you can Play and about your own Body. When you are a smaller, skinny, Type of Guy, i think you could Play a Moria orc, if you can.
Some of the other races, that are played in the OHL are:
-Trols (since Last year, we have a small group of them in the Camp)
-Skirzgum Hai: they are smaller Orks, with pointy ears, that are much smarter than other Uruks, but Not realy strong. They are used to be Scouts, be abel to read and write and are more ager to Team Up against a stronger enemy and or use Tricks to get what they want. (Known from groups of Jugporandor).
-Gat Hai: "normal" Uruks. Nothing Special, but Not dump. Strong enough to serve there Problems in a more violent way. (Known from groups of Jugporandor)
-Mazauk Hai: the big and stronger Uruks (Like the uruk Hai from LODR), that aren't as smart as Hat Hai. They life for the Fight. (Known from groups of Jugporandor)
There are much more, but I didn't know about than. I am in a group of Jugporandor.

3. Black speach is used, but Not as our full time language. We use some words, but we also speak German, and english when needed, a lot too.

4. There are the Galleries in the Epic Emipres Homepage. Look mostly at the Galleries (Fotos) of "Del-Ink" and "Rico". There you will find Pictures of the OHL.

5. It depends on the Situation: the Trols are Part of our Camp and they are Well included in our Camp. So Interactions with them are great.
We have a few other Camps, with that we interact, that are Humans, without trying to storm there Camps and kill them. The group in that my Chara is in, has a Special relationship with the "Norrelag".

6. We have a huge combined Army, so all groups are Put together and Split Up in several squads. We have two Leaders, and under them there are the Squad Leaders.

7. It isn't Impossible to come to the OHL as a singel Player, but it is much better, when you have a group, eaven when it is a small one, with that you come to the con. When you can do something, Like working as a blacksmith or can cook, than it is OK.

So, when I Made a misstake in my answer, please correkt me.
Hope you can Work with my answers.
-] “Wir sahn einen Bauern so fett mit seiner Tochter so nett,
die Spitzen unserer Dolche weckten ihn rau,
er fing an zu stammeln und zu kreischen, gab uns Gold ohne zu feilschen,
die Tochter floh, also brieten wir seine Frau."
nie anwesende Drecksmade
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 30 Okt 2019 21:22

Re: Martin

Beitrag von Gothmog »

Greetings Gortak!

Thanks alot for taking the time to all the answers and thanks for the nice welcome! :blüm:
I will check out the pics and all the advice you gave me :).

Great to hear that you accept people from other countries as well.
I am 179 tall, but lean and will most likely aim towards a more sneaky/leaner concept and stay lower in both body language and profile. Wits before brawls, sneakyness before armour and backstabbing before open fighting. Sounds like some of the concept could work nicely. I really prefer the look of the faces of orcs from Moria when it comes to the faces, so might aim to create a mask thats closest to them in looks.

This sounds really interesting and i would love to learn more :).

1. How is the groups divided when it comes to races? Are they sorted by "rasse" or can a group be consisting of different types of orcs and are they formed after a purpose (such as a scout group, archer group, frontline group and so on)?
2. How is the realtionships inbetween different orc groups and orc races? Is there plotting, conflicts, and frictions based upon hiearchy and such. Is it common to play out fighting, stealing within the camps and out in the fields?
3. Do you have an official list of the language you use today? I would love to check it out being a huge Black Speech nerd.
4. How are the gods and the origin of the orcs connected to the epic empires world? Are there a Morgoth, Saruman and Sauron? I noticed that the epic empires do not use warhammer orcs (which is a very good chooise in my opinion).
Magûl (Ronk-hai)
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Re: Martin

Beitrag von Urok/Worgahr »

Welcome here.

The lord of the rings orcs are just one part of the german orc community. All these lotr groups are connected in an union called "grat u murdur". The groups within these union have their own backgrounds but all of them came from the same timeline. Something between The Hobbit and the fellowship. These players put a lot of work into using the few information Tolkien gave us about the different orc races, an make them to something playable. But these races are only played within the lotr groups.

Then Gortak told you something about the Jugporandor Background and their specific races. Jugporandor is actually a union of three groups who came from the same continent. All three groups have their own culture and style. One is the orcish version of asian veldt people, the other is more like arabian, babylonian and the third is more in an Viking style.

Other groups outside the jugporandor universe have other specific races who have their roots in each specific group history. Other make just a difference between brown,green or black skin colour or just between Orc,Troll or Goblin.

Most goblins have a warhammer or warcraftlike appearance. With green skin, long nose,ears and chin.

The goblins of my clan for example have a more moria orc like face.

All the orcs are guests in the world of epic empire or drachenfest. The backgrounds are typical not connected

The relationships between the groups are different. A few groups are United and like each other, others are united and hate each other ;D
Orc play is full of conflict which could end in stabbing or up beating. But much cooler than the actuall fight between each other, is the feeling the hole time that your characters isnt really safe.

Thats the same with non orcisch "guest" like humans. Yeah orcs kill people, but that could be a very short game. "Oh a human in my camp? Staaaaab....the end and boring for all.

But what about the suspense when the human life isnt safe because he is in a camp full of bloodthirsty monsters?
Wartet. Ihr regelt das wie echte Uruku! 3 Runden Nin, Gash,Dushtala!!! Aber ohne Waffen!
nie anwesende Drecksmade
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 05 Dez 2018 13:27

Re: Martin

Beitrag von Nesuki »

Hey pactling!! :D

Welcome here! Looking forward to orcing around with you!!! :woohoo:
Wer andre in der Grube quält, fault selbst hinein!
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Verbund/Verbünde: Grat u Murdur
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Re: Martin

Beitrag von Tarbûrzakh »

Welcome to the dark side, we've got cookies ;)

One assumption for you: You will find all information in german and a subset translated into english. We use german, blackspeech and english (if needed) during our play.We try to include as good as we can, but google could be a friend, if it comes to reading backgrounds ;)

Urok gave a handy short description of the different groups inside the orc community.
You may have a look at the different groups gathered in this forum:

He also mentioned our well established Lotr background, wich you may find here: ... urdur_Wiki
We also use a subforum in this forum, wich you may enter.

Our main language is a corrupted mixture of german and blackspeech. We do the same if english speaking fellows join us, so that should be no problem for you and us :)
The Blackspeech used bases on a guide developed by players of this community. I know to sets of guides (there is at least one older and different blackspeech version) "Blackspeech - Dialect Rukh Nulûrz" and "Slog'bûrs Blackspeech Guide", Rukh Nulûrz is the newer one.
You may get a version of the guide here: ... lackspeech

As Urok wrote:
All Lotr-players are gathered in the "Grat û Murdur". You will find subsets of players under this roof, wich organize themselves as smaller troops and a variety of troop-specific backgrounds and details. Have a look at the group abstract for more information.

For your personal orc character:
Have a look at our information,read through our wiki and make yourself a picture of the "Grat". You will find several races, groupinformation and short character stories with pictures in this wiki.
Collect upcoming questions and we will answer them :)
I suggest making a detailed concept for your character (race, origin, profession, short story) and then show us what you made yourself. You are able to prevent some possible mistakes made in the past and prepare yourself a fitting character. This works best in a possible group for you, as the reaction times are much shorter. But take your time and do not hurry.

the evil uncle Frûmgrat
Der Duracell-Hase - böser Onkel Frûmgrat
Kraiizg aurum 'labu tum'ob kulat kraibagturkûrz!
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Re: Martin

Beitrag von Fauth/Glum »

Hi Martin and welcome on board ;-)

For the subforum here, what Tarburzakh mentioned: Under your own profile you can find undre "Persönlicher Bereich" and than "Benutzergruppen" the subforums here from the board. There you can ask for the membership for the Grat u Murdur board. There are some threads where english speakers asked for help too. So have fun here.

Kind regards
Fauth/Glûm as moderator
Fauth - Tanaruk - Goth Hai - Bâs û Shirku û Bukra Nar'Shât
Glûm - Shira Hai - Uruklata - Brodh
nie anwesende Drecksmade
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 30 Okt 2019 21:22

Re: Martin

Beitrag von Gothmog »

Thank you so much for all the answers and the nice info !

I am really into play that creates a certain mood or generates nice scenes. So really feeling what you are describing Tarbûrzakh! I often find the least joy in just cutting someone down. Prefer deep characters, tension, horror, cultural play and such.

I am checking the links and has requested to join the subforum. We are working on a concept idea that we wanna check with you guys soon :).

Danke schön

Magûl (Ronk-hai)
Beiträge: 1448
Registriert: 30 Aug 2011 21:12
Gruppe: Zabîs Udu
Verbund/Verbünde: Grat u Murdur
Wohnort: Werdohl (Sauerland)

Re: Martin

Beitrag von Tarbûrzakh »

Acces granted ;)
Der Duracell-Hase - böser Onkel Frûmgrat
Kraiizg aurum 'labu tum'ob kulat kraibagturkûrz!

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