Hier auch mal der Service Post mit den Hörbüchern zur Con-Reihe.
In ca. 2 Wochen könnt ihr euch schon auf einen weiteren Teil der Reihe freuen.
Es ist endlich soweit. Die erste Folge unserer Podcast Tagebücher ist online. Hört die Vorgeschichte zu der Großen Expedition nach Bursa.
In den nächsten Tagen werden wir unregelmäßig neue Folgen hochladen, stay tuned für neue Folgen und erfahrt wie es unseren Helden und Abenteurern auf ihrer Reise nach Bursa ergangen ist.
Hallo zusammen,
I am finally back home in Israel after my flight got cancelled and I became somewhat of a war refugee.
I just wanted to thank you all! Everyone have been amazing to me once we heard the news, whether is was by hugging me, offering me a place to stay, giving me food and drinks or even simply distracting me and giving me some moments of peace. I felt totally supported and surrounded with love, because of you I was strong to cope with this national trauma.
On Saturday when it happened, we did not know the horrific details yet, so I was able to still function thanks to your support.
I really feel like I found my place with wonderful people and now I have the strength to volunteer and aid our victims and soldiers in the front.
Israel is a small country, so everyone are affected, even my LARP friends were there and still suffer.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I have just landed and already had 2 alarms...
Vielen dank! Hope to see you again in more peaceful times!