Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Naguur »


Welcome here.
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Godvin »

So this forum is both for OCL and the OHL?
Trod of Clan Okup Shakamb - Bellowing Rock
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Naguur »

Yes, both camps are here in this Forum
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Shartok »

Despite different camps we are not different communities.
This forum is for each and every orc who´s interested, regardless what convention or camp is preferred.
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Godvin »

Shartok hat geschrieben:Despite different camps we are not different communities.
This forum is for each and every orc who´s interested, regardless what convention or camp is preferred.

Ah! That is awesome :)

Naguur hat geschrieben:Hej!

Welcome here.

Thanks a lot!

It is actually lovely to be in a oldfashioned forum again! Goddamn i miss the good old days :)
Trod of Clan Okup Shakamb - Bellowing Rock
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Urok/Worgahr »

Welcome here

In Germany are Many People on Facebook
But there are Many Old Fashionend Forums as well

Just my oppinion: I hate Facebook and never used it :up:
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Sget »

Godvin hat geschrieben:It is actually lovely to be in a oldfashioned forum again! Goddamn i miss the good old days :)

Dude, fucking stop to make me feel like an 80 year old freak still playing kiddy games. :D

To be honest it's the easiest way to keep in touch also across the different clans and allied groups.
And its a nice plattform for documentation and organisation. FB or whatever doesn't simply do the trick when you wanna organize groups, events or whatever of a size +15 people spread over the whole country.

Just realized when we started to moving to epic empires:


I wouldn't like to see that organized on FB :) Would have been a realy bloody thing.

BTW still love this vid. Unfortunatly youtube is blocked here at work. Otherwise I'd watch it all day long. Thanks to the great ShadowFürstDeathkiller :woohoo:

Yeah and welcome
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

I can see that I was abit tired when I read your post last time Stripe - cause I had the understanding that OCL was at DF, and not OHL. ^-^

Anyways, how do we go about joining - just make a topic in the application forum I assume, individually - and then if we get accepted, we're in? and when is the deadline for application for DF14, since I assume that you need to make some logistics messure up at some point in the last period up towards the convention?

Many friendly regards.
Can Oleg finish his drink?!
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Urok/Worgahr »

but it´s right

the ocl is at DF
and the ohl at EE
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

Well... fuck me :P
Can Oleg finish his drink?!
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

But it's the same application forum, that OHL and OCL uses?
Can Oleg finish his drink?!
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Sget »

Actually its quite simple:

OHL ==> EE
OCL ==> DF

Name of the community is OrkLager or OL

In the past:

OHL ==> DF
As there was only one camp supported by the majority of the Useres here in the past OHL was also used as name of the community.

And as most of us still don't get that out of their heads we still us OHL for the whole german
Orc thing. This might create some confiusion.
Intentionally of course. :)
Frauen, er ist nicht zu beaucoup!

Chue: Sören, tippst du eigentlich mit dem Penis?
Sören: Ja!
Chue: Warum?
Sören: Meine Finger sind zu dick!
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Shartok »


the DF-OCL application is sort of forum-based. think you've found the forum already.

the EE-OHL application can be found here and only dumps. here it's not really forum-based, since there's a real application form that dumps content to a database.

for you convenience :

if you want to go to "Drachenfest" and OCL : stick to this forum.

ich you're interested in "Epic Empires" and OHL this forum is the place to be.

if you just want to chat about orks in general, you'll wanna go with this forum. here you'll meet most of the german orcs ...no matter what event they prefer.
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Zhûul »

It's pretty much one big ugly family but due to organisational reasons, the application for the different events had to be divided. Otherwise it might have gotten a wee bit chaotic.
Shartok gave you the links, so it should be easy to navigate the forums.

PS: I love it that Orcs are becoming more and more organised and that we're spreading through different countries!
Einst lebte eine Familie nur einen Steinwurf entfernt von mir.
Sie alle starben durch msteriöse Kopfverletzungen.
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Registriert: 12 Feb 2014 18:27
Gruppe: Okup Shakamb
Verbund/Verbünde: Grat U Murdur
Wohnort: Denmark

Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Godvin »

Its crazy how organized and many you guys are.. Our Clan in denmark is maybe the biggest and best looking. But compared to you.. Were nothing ;)
Trod of Clan Okup Shakamb - Bellowing Rock

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