Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

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Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

First let me say that I am horrible at german, so I hope some friendly german soul can guide me, in english - if this is the wrong sub-fora that I'm posting on!

I've contacted the facebook group on facebook, in hope of a pointing in the right direction to the guy who can give my danish orc clan access to live in the orc camp, at Drachenfest 2014.

I was told I should contact "Stripe", but have no idea if that's a sub-fora, or a person, so I'll just post here, in hope that someone can correct me.

As I did on the facebook-site for drachenfest, I'll leave a link for our orc-clan, so you can see pictures, and read some stories of our adventures (if you can read danish that is)

With many friendly and danish regards,

Okup Shakamb from Denmark!
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Fauth/Glum »

Hello Lischang,

welcome in our orc forum.

The sub-forum you need is http://www.forum.orklager.org/viewforum.php?f=143
This is the plattform for all orcs who want to play on Drachenfest.

And the main-contact person "Stripe" is here: http://www.forum.orklager.org/memberlis ... file&u=227

Many regards
Fauth as Forum moderator
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Zhûul »

Lischang hat geschrieben:First let me say that I am horrible at german, so I hope some friendly german soul can guide me, in english - if this is the wrong sub-fora that I'm posting on!

I've contacted the facebook group on facebook, in hope of a pointing in the right direction to the guy who can give my danish orc clan access to live in the orc camp, at Drachenfest 2014.

I was told I should contact "Stripe", but have no idea if that's a sub-fora, or a person, so I'll just post here, in hope that someone can correct me.

As I did on the facebook-site for drachenfest, I'll leave a link for our orc-clan, so you can see pictures, and read some stories of our adventures (if you can read danish that is)

With many friendly and danish regards,

Okup Shakamb from Denmark!

Greetings and welcome.

The "Stripe" you are looking for is an orc. An Orc with a mean white mohawk, arms like hams and a skull-splitting attitude who does not take crap from anyone (and a damn fine and cool person in real life^^) I'm pretty sure he replies, once he sees this post.
Therefore, you came to the right place... just wait for it and follow the links Fauth gave you.

Greets Zhûul
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »


Thanks for the amazingly fast respond! I'm very impressed!
But as I mentioned earlier in my previous post, I'm like Forrest Gump at German, and for some reason, the forums names aren't in english, even though I set my settings for English.. Anyone who can give me a helping hand, on where to post?

Nicklas Lischang.
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Blogdah »

I guess that might be a Problem , but like Fauth posted you the Correct Sub-Forum i'm sure you'll find a place there.

Don't be worried about your German, most of us are able to Speak and communicate in English and if there are any other Questions regarding the " German " way of Playing, feel free to ask !

Oh and welcome here !

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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Shartok »

But as I mentioned earlier in my previous post, I'm like Forrest Gump at German, and for some reason, the forums names aren't in english, even though I set my settings for English

My fault.
Parts of this forums ought to be bilingual since this orkcommunity draws at least some international attention.
This will happen someday but is definitely not prior to many things that need to be done here :)
Anyway : If you need any help or guidance, feel free to ask the people, the mods or the admins.
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

My experience is already that you guys are really fast at responding, and with simple but excellent answers - so I feel like it wont be any biggie.

So, any idea how often Stripe is on - should I expect to wait a few weeks for answer, or perhaps just a few days?

Nicklas Lischang.
Can Oleg finish his drink?!
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

And on that note, let me just compliment the fact that you have a bloody oldschool forum up and running, with your network - in Denmark, this breed of network-contact is a dead one ;)
Can Oleg finish his drink?!
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

I hope someone can answer this question, since I can't find it on the DF website. I can see it costs money to live in the rest of the camps, what does it cost to live in the orc camp? :)
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Shartok »

So, any idea how often Stripe is on - should I expect to wait a few weeks for answer, or perhaps just a few days?

Expect just a few days. But as far as i see you´ve made contact with Ruktar who´s -afaik- involved in the DF-OCL-Team.

And on that note, let me just compliment the fact that you have a bloody oldschool forum up and running, with your network - in Denmark, this breed of network-contact is a dead one ;)

Dafuq ? Why ? Because people don´t use ze oldschool-internet ? Or just because the danish orc scene is
particularly small and has not (yet ?) grown into a dull-fledged community ? This thing here startet ~2004 and is growing ever since, seeing birth of 3(4) orc camps on each of the three "major larp conventions" . Helps a lot :). Dunno - we only had some swedish guys back in 2008 and i dunno anything (well...at least) ´bout larp outside germany...
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Shartok »

what does it cost to live in the orc camp? :)

The same, plus ~10€ for the camp itself. DF-OCL-participants will tell you more.
Both of the two community-driven orc camps act this way - you can´t see the price on the website since i.e. the OCL is -as said- community driven and has some special rules. You cant just visit if you want to cause there are some conditions to be met. Ok...it´s only one condition : You definetely have to look like an orc :).
Check diz : http://forum.orklager.org/viewforum.php?f=166

There you have to post an image of your charakter and people like good ol´ Stripe will check if you meet some basic must-haves. Sounds nasty an oppresive but is not as bad as it sounds...

There are some guidelines written 2008 by the OHL-team which the OCL refers to (before 2013 there was no "Orkclanlager"...the OCL evolved from the older "OrkHeerLager" that moved to another convention in 2013) which are widely outdated...and german. I´d say : Just talk to the OCL-people and they´ll help you out.
And check that forum given above, which is the "application forum"
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Lischang »

Shartok hat geschrieben:Expect just a few days. But as far as i see you´ve made contact with Ruktar who´s -afaik- involved in the DF-OCL-Team.

So there are two orc camps at DF? Or who are those OCL, and OHL you're referring to?
And which of the groups do you belong to?
I seem to be outdated on some meddling and splitting of orcgroups, since I thought that there only were one camp at DF..

Shartok hat geschrieben:Dafuq ? Why ? Because people don´t use ze oldschool-internet ? Or just because the danish orc scene is
particularly small and has not (yet ?) grown into a dull-fledged community ? This thing here startet ~2004 and is growing ever since, seeingbirth of 3(4) orc camps on each of the three "major larp conventions" . Helps a lot . Dunno - we only had some swedish guys back in 2008 and i dunno anything (well...at least) ´bout larp outside germany...

Well, because most of the danish events moved to facebook actually, its faster and people tend to check that more, than a HTTP forum, sadly. I do see benefits in being on facebook, but also flaws, as in there is no real forum.. That's what I miss about the old forums!
And no, there ain't no real danish orc culture, we're trying to make it, with the oldboys from denmark, Krakuhl - whom we've had alot of talks with, and trying to evolve the orc material along the way, while we play around.

Shartok hat geschrieben:There you have to post an image of your charakter and people like good ol´ Stripe will check if you meet some basic must-haves. Sounds nasty an oppresive but is not as bad as it sounds...

Nah, doesnt sound oppressive at all, we do set standards in Okup Shakamb aswell, though since we play 11 times a year, we have more options of helping new people to get started, since we have the motto that we'd rather that you play like an orc, than looking like one.. the costume can be made, but if the play is totaly talentless in playing an orc, its gonna be a goddamn fight uphill.
But all in all i think that should be fine, since as I've seen you lots gear, and think that we atleast meet the standard of yours :)

Shartok hat geschrieben:There are some guidelines written 2008 by the OHL-team which the OCL refers to (before 2013 there was no "Orkclanlager"...the OCL evolved from the older "OrkHeerLager" that moved to another convention in 2013) which are widely outdated...and german.

I only know 2 german conventions, and that's Mythodea, and Drachenfest - which one did the OHL move to?

Shartok hat geschrieben:Just talk to the OCL-people and they´ll help you out.

Am I totaly mistaken if I think that YOU guys are the OCL lot - or have I been sorely mislead? ???
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Blogdah »

The third one where the OHL is going is called the " Epic Empires " An Adult 18+ only Larp www.epic-empires.de
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Godvin »

Allow me to introduce myself.

My Name is Asbjørn Godvin, and iam the team leader of Okup Shakamb, me and Lishang are in charge of our clan.

We are super hyped for the DF14'

Lishang wanted me here aswell, so here iam.

Regards Asbjørn Godvin aka. Trod of Okup Shakamb
Trod of Clan Okup Shakamb - Bellowing Rock
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Re: Danish orcs, whom wish to join up!

Beitrag von Shartok »

So there are two orc camps at DF? Or who are those OCL, and OHL you're referring to?

Nah...little and short lesson in german orc-history ;)

In the beginning was the word and the word...



To cut a long story short : The OHL (OrkHeerLager) was the first real attempt in creating an autonomous orc camp, made solely by players for players. That was back in 2008 at the Drachenfest. The OHL stayed @ DF until we decided to move to another convention. The OHL started with numbers ~70 and grew to ~250+ in 2012. The decision to move away from the DF wasnt supported by everyone, so the community split up due to various reasons, with the independent OHL-successor (known als "OCL"=OrkClanLager) staying at the DF and the OHL moving to the smallest of the "major conventions".

And which of the groups do you belong to?

I´m the Stripe of the OHL ;). While being way more unimpressive...i´m THE ELDER ONE. HAH !

I seem to be outdated on some meddling and splitting of orcgroups, since I thought that there only were one camp at DF..

Nevermind :). Deeper understanding of this orc-community became sort of science on its own 8D!
And its nothing u need to know, cause there is (my opinion) no real difference between both camps.
Now you know that there are 2 camps :).

Well, because most of the danish events moved to facebook actually (...)

Nah...won´t happen here :).

Am I totaly mistaken if I think that YOU guys are the OCL lot - or have I been sorely mislead?

;) Nope...we´re the OHL lot. Doesnt matter :).

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