Word of the Orks has come to America

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Registriert: 14 Okt 2009 03:29

Re:Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic »

New pictures are up! I should be heading home for my mid-tour leave fairly soon, so I'll be picking up something to string the scales together. Unfortunately, I'm out of boots. Hmmm, you know, my COMMANDER looks like he has some pretty nice boots...
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Registriert: 05 Okt 2010 17:13
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Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Morgach »

If i may ask u, why dont u just buy some leather to make scales? Second hand leather jackets or old transmission belts are just fine for for armour.
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 14 Okt 2009 03:29

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic »

Gor Lon hat geschrieben:If i may ask u, why dont u just buy some leather to make scales? Second hand leather jackets or old transmission belts are just fine for for armour.

Well, my first tour in Iraq I brought pre-made maille rings to make armour with. A little way into the year I noticed that they were cutting down old power lines, and then just letting them sit there and rot. So I picked up the lines (I made sure both ends were disconnected), brought them home, stripped them and spun them into rings. I've made a maille coif out of what I think is copper (it may be bronze), a full hauberk out of steel and a great deal of jewelry, all from found wire.

I then started collecting random pieces of metal and chains and started weaving it into it's own suit. I call it "Junk-maille", which is probably much more funny to Americans. I don't know if the joke translates well. I suppose part of it is not having to pay for the leather, as I don't make very much money, but really that's secondary. There is just something about taking an item that is old and about to be destroyed and giving it new life, new joy, another chance at being useful. It is an amazing feeling taking something that noone wanted and making it desirable. I'll always remember the look on my friend's faces when they saw me vanish into my side of the room with these huge lengths of cable, only to appear a month or so later wearing maille. That alone would make it worth my time.

But just to make a cost comparison, I have nearly three hundred scales total, two hundred of them waxed, and just under one hundred punched. If I was to buy them pre-punched and cut, I would have spent roughly $600 so far. Just pre-cut, $200. By the time I'm done with this project, I'll have a $700 piece of armour that I only paid $20 for, and that's for the thread and binding.

Besides, I hate to cut up old jackets. My first motorcycle jacket cost me $20 and I still have it. I wouldn't want to deny someone else the joy of that first bit of leather that's all theirs!
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Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Maguzg »

hmmm, so you`re armor smells like feet ;D
Der Plan wird nur nicht funktionieren wenn wir auch nur eine Sekunde über ihn Nachdenken. Also los, führen wir ihn aus.
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 14 Okt 2009 03:29

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic »

See? I go the extra mile! I look, sound and now even SMELL like an ork!
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 14 Okt 2009 03:29

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic »

Ok, the body-barrel is complete and new pictures are up!

I'm thinking of making a coyote-skin cape with half-heads mounted on pauldrons. Has anyone got suggestions for a helmet?
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Registriert: 13 Apr 2009 22:24
Gruppe: Azshag'Ardai
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Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Falschmünzer »

I would recomment the use of hardend leather and latex horns or skull-parts for a good "tribal" look or a simple iron scull cap with  a fur padding.
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der sozialistischen Arbeiterkolchose Ruchai II - Azshag'Ardai-Agraralkoholkombinat. Freundschaft, Genossen!
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Registriert: 14 Okt 2009 03:29

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic »

Nagai hat geschrieben:I would recomment the use of hardend leather and latex horns or skull-parts for a good "tribal" look or a simple iron scull cap with  a fur padding.

GREAT idea! I wish that I could find a good, realistic set of goat or sheep horns made of latex, but that's actually for a different project. I decided to continue using my scales, I'll create a couple layers of bands that slowly reduce into a dome. We'll see how it turns out. I'm using this as my basis:

http://www.strongblade.com/prod/sbmu-le ... elmet.html

I'll actually be making two helmets, one with the cheek-guards, one without them but instead with copper maille going from one edge of the "spectacles" around the back to the other edge. I'll post pictures when I'm back in the States!
Beiträge: 2635
Registriert: 13 Apr 2009 22:24
Gruppe: Azshag'Ardai
Wohnort: Groß-Frankfurt, ADL

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Falschmünzer »

Creating Latex horns is actually very simpel. All you need is a bit of liquid latex, good  acryl colours and cheap foam....and of course one real piece of horn or bone.
Just brush the horn with a thin layer of latex mixed with acryl colour and dry it  with a hairdryer. Repeat until ca. 4-6 layers. Use Talcum powder while removing the latex from the horn so it doesn't stick together. Fill the form with small pieces of foam so that it keeps its shape and use one flat piece for the base.
Drybrush the whole horn with a bit of bone colour and after that with a brown one and it's done.
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der sozialistischen Arbeiterkolchose Ruchai II - Azshag'Ardai-Agraralkoholkombinat. Freundschaft, Genossen!
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 14 Okt 2009 03:29

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic »

[img width=360 height=480]https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/564341_4309610936147_918268376_n.jpg[/img]
[img width=360 height=480]https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/301270_4309611296156_2011924962_n.jpg[/img]
[img width=360 height=480]https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/534171_4309611456160_1542999727_n.jpg[/img]
[img width=360 height=480]https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/292942_4309611536162_1278026514_n.jpg[/img]

Well, it's an old thread, but I've finally managed to get my Ork getup put together. It's just a first draft, as the armour I will use is not complete, and I'm still learning about makeup. But I think it's a good start. I think I'll need contacts next...

Please let me know if you can't see the pictures.
nie anwesende Drecksmade
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Registriert: 31 Mär 2016 23:38
Wohnort: Pittsburgh

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic1 »

So, back in America, got married. I go digging through my old things and show my wife my old tusks...

And now I'm buying two sets of tusks, masks, and weapons. Had to set up a new account since I lost the email for the old one, but I thought I'd post here again to see what you all thought.
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Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Shartok »

Had to set up a new account since I lost the email for the old one

Well i think i can help you with this little problem ;).
Congrats btw :)
nie anwesende Drecksmade
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Registriert: 31 Mär 2016 23:38
Wohnort: Pittsburgh

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Dominic1 »

Shartok hat geschrieben:
Had to set up a new account since I lost the email for the old one

Well i think i can help you with this little problem ;).
Congrats btw :)

Thank you, that's very kind! My wife and I are getting ready for our first event next month Bild
nie anwesende Drecksmade
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Registriert: 27 Apr 2016 14:55

Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Rukash »

Congrats to you Dominic ;D
treuloser Goblin
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Re: Word of the Orks has come to America

Beitrag von Zar'Aka »

Hey Dominic!

I'm very glad to see that you found your way to german orc-larp.
Congratulations on your marriage! Seems like she's one awesome wife since she's joining orc-larp with you.

In case you still need any help with translations: I'm both english and german native speaker and am currently studying translation, so yeah. If you need anything properly translated (I had my fair share of laughter from your old posts) feel free to ask.

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